To re-imagine search for young learners, families and teachers and empower them with new ways to objectively discover, research and learn.
Our Mission
Plans & Pricing


At Home for Parents
At School for Teachers
For Schools and Districts
1 child + 1 parent/month
Safe searching
Safety Alerts
Ad free
Inspirational Insights
Classroom Connect
Keyword Safety Alerts
Whimsical sounds
Earn coins
Citation Wizard
Personalized Autocomplete
Family Autocomplete
Block sites list
Allow sites list
Search Kabooms!
Site Boosters!
Search type controls
Classroom Connect
Search based quizzes
Objectivity Wizard
Citation Wizard
Parent Engagement Reports
Redefining what search does for Students.. Parents.. Teachers
searchitup! is a revolutionary new search engine designed specifically for students, parents and teachers. You might be thinking that search engines already exist for kids but there is nothing out there that has been developed with the searchitup! level of transparency, engagement and functionality. We have even developed Pi, the world's first child friendly voice search assistant!
For exclusive access
Ad Free,
Private & Safe Searching
Ad Free!
No advertising
You'll never see an ad on searchitup! And you’ll never be tracked by ad companies.
We take privacy seriously
searchitup! will never sell or disclose your private data.
Safe Searching
We eliminate explicit content
Elimination of explicit content from search results for web, images, video and news.
Safety Alerts
Alert parents
searchitup! alerts parents about searches that indicate potential self harm, depression, bullying, and violence.
Play fun search games while searching.
Interactive games
Collect coins as you search - who in your family will make it to the leaderboard?
Earn coins when searching
Hear cool sounds when searching & discovering.
Whimsical sounds
Personalized Autocomplete
Allows children to create their very own autocomplete with their favourite keywords or phrases they frequently search for.
Block Lists for Keywords
Block certain keywords from being searched at all. Don't worry, searchitup! already blocks out child inappropriate keywords & sites, but here is your chance to add additional ones you deem inappropriate for your family.
Granular Search Type Control
Control the type of search results your child sees: web, news, images & videos.
Have some family fun and add terms to your very own family's autocomplete. Commonly added keywords are school names, places of parent workplaces, popular restaurants and sports venues.
Setup keyword shortcuts for example, searching for “school” will redirect them to the child’s school website.
Guide children to properly referencing resources when working on research activities.
The Objectivity Wizard is grade specific and is presented to children each time they make a citation to a website or even as they visit sites from search results. Its goal is to teach children to think about the sites they are viewing objectively.
Results from favourite sites will be displayed at the very top.
Search Innovation
in the Classroom
Activities are created by Teachers by grade-level, subject and other attributes. For example, an Activity could be: "Tallest Mountains in the World" whereby students use searchitup! to search and research the world's tallest mountains based on the Activity instructions. Students then complete a text or canvas based response and submit work to their teachers for immediate communication, feedback and grading.
Topicals, are mini-search engines with a curated set of websites created by Teachers. Topicals allows students to stay on task by eliminating the time wasted navigating through websites that are too complicated for kids or that have inappropriate content. Topicals may be shared with the global community of searchitup! users to share and discover kid appropriate content together.
Voice Search Assistant
Pi, is the name of our voice search assistant for kids. Kids ask Pi anything and even when Pi answers a question, kids are always prompted to find another source of information that verifies Pi's answer. If Pi deems either the question or the answer, kid content inappropriate, Pi directs kids to a trusted adult to discuss the topic. Did we mention, that Pi even reminds kids to say "Please!".
Kids learn best with their peers, and with searchlaborate they can search collaboratively and share search findings. Via an innovative and collaborative search interface, group members search, bookmark and add citations and the shared results form the basis of research.
We’re here to support you!
Celebrate your child's successes and never miss the moments when they need support. A parent account gives you insights into your child's passions.
Engage your class and differentiate learning with easy-to-use teacher tools and with a new search engine and voice assistant designed for young learners.
Motivate learning, access free training for your teachers and benchmark student achievement in your building when you partner with searchitup!
School Leaders
“I’m completely blown away by searchitup! I’m loving the ability to see what my children are most interested in learning about both at home and at school.”
What Parents Say
Sanjay A.
Fostering Family Collaboration
Features supporting collaboration
Inspirational Insights
Reports that inspire collaboration with your child. See at a glance, how much time, the topics and websites, what your children have searched for, the frequency, timing and the type of search. Foster your child's learning and pursue their interests & passions with what you glean from these insights.
A visual snapshot into your child's curiosities, interests and passions. More than just Internet history, this steps into your child's mind in a fun and interactive way.
Keyword Alerts
searchitup! alerts parents for searches that indicate potential self harm, depression, bullying, and violence.
Unique interface for collaborative search. Search with family members by starting a shared search session on any topic.
Classroom Connect
Get a complete snapshot into your child’s schoolwork.
Easily organize and share links to great sites across the family.
Use and create topic specific "mini" search engines together for example, "Ancient Civilizations" or "All Things Pokemon."